Wednesday, September 19, 2012

FPS vs. My closed, ignorant mind

My little brother plays a lot of shooters. He loves Call of Duty, obviously, but even when he was much younger, he played the shit out of Killzone, Bioshock, even terrible games like Just Cause. So, he gets Battlefield 3 a few days ago, and I try it out. I don't enjoy FPS multiplayer, its too twitchy, and quick reaction speed trumps actual strategy and precision, so, I tried Battlefield 3's single player campaign, and I love it.

It makes me think, that maybe I shouldn't give FPS games as much shit as I do, being as this is one of the many times a campaign has impressed me. I played Modern Warfare 2's single player a few months ago, and it was a roller coaster, a really sharp story, lots of tense gunfights, it was a blast. The single player experiences of Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty are just as good as some of my favorite FPS's of old, Goldeneye, Prey, Fear, Red Faction, so what's the difference?
I really, really, love Prey

The difference IS the multiplayer. This new era shooter culture plays strictly for the multiplayer, so the developers aren't building the games for people like me, who want a story, and a frighteningly exciting journey of shooting nazis. So, while Battlefield 3 is a blast, and every bit as good as Prey, the difference slaps me in the face when I see Battlefield's endgame credits after 5 hours. What the shit.


  1. I love Goldeneye. Proximity mines. All about proximity mines.

  2. I was more of a remote mine guy, I loved the jungle because I could lay tons of mines everywhere then wait in the bushes. Also, nobody is allowed to be oddjob, thats cheating.

  3. I agree with you completely on enjoying the single player campaign of shooters way more than I do the multiplayer. Their campaigns are so action packed and focused that they are a ton of fun, while the multiplayer is too twitchy and competitive that I do not have fun playing them. I do enjoy shorter FPS games though, since the longer it goes the more stale and tainted the experience can become. Plus nowadays there are too many games that I want to play but do not have nearly enough time to play, so while you may feel cheated time-wise compared to other games, the experience of playing them can be greater than significantly longer games.

  4. Thats a good point, shorter games can be better, it all depends, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed when a shooter is that short, especially when you see a game like Bioshock do a long FPS so well.
