Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Pokemon sure has added some stupid shit over the years...

Sitting here, New Year's Day, playing some White 2, and Im loving it so far. However, here's some bad choices that stubborn Nintendo made, stuck with, and continue to shove down our throats.

Useless, there are even berries that have no effect when used. Seriously!


Kill her off.



Team Aqua, Plasma, Magma, and Galactic

Even though Galactic broke the mold and are actually making the story a little interesting, all teams other than Rocket are unnecessary and a complete waste of time. Ghestis?

Also, I love the dowsing machine. But why does it disengage everytime I open the menu? I have to press x, do my buisiness, close the window, hit my hotkey, then press a to get my poketech app back up. I need to use items and shit a lot! Leave it up until I turn the dowsing machine off myself!! Assholes!!


  1. Berries are mostly used in competitive multiplayer and EV training. They are pretty useless in the main game though.

    Bianca is very annoying, I agree.

    The C-Gear, however, is great, and solves the tediousness of trading/battling in past games.
    With it you don't have to go to a pokecenter and figure out which person to talk in order to enter a trading or battling room. You just activate it and can trade/battle people anywhere.
    There are, however, pointless features such as the feeling checker.

    I do agree with you about the various "Teams" in each game. They are all the same evil organizations that want to steal pokemon or do other evil things. Black/White does slightly change this though, however, it doesn't affect the gameplay in any way.

    1. Al, seriously, don't sit there and try to defend berries in front of all the internets. You know as well as I do, that with Generation 3, Nintendo unzipped their pants, bent us over, and made pokemon start holding things. It was traumatic.

  2. I don't know if it is what Nintendo intended with berries, but some of them do add legitimate depth to the multiplayer competitive battling aspect of the game. Adding depth to the simplistic battles is a good thing.
