Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My son watches Animaniacs

Oliver watched his very first episode of Animaniacs, a cartoon that is near and dear to my heart. It was a weak episode, with an overarching Slappy the Squirrel plot, but there were appearances by the great Chicken Boo, The Goodfeathers, and my personal favorite, Good Idea Bad Idea. This is certainly my favorite cartoon ever, and it really stood out in a decade of already great tooning. Oliver finally got to share in some of my retro joy.

There was a great scene that Ollie laughed a lot at, where Yakko acts through a scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream, where Dot translates his Shakespearean speech into crude jokes. Fucking great. I remember Wakko listing all of the states and capitals to the Turkey and the Straw beat, or Yakko naming every country on the planet earth, and I also remembering committing them to memory.

We made paleo pizza with Steph afterwards.


  1. Holy shit, I just saw your first pic of oliver and I realized that I had that same city floor mat when i was a kid. I used to play on that with my matchbox cars for hours

    1. Its from Ikea, I knew you were a fucking swede.
