E3 happened yesterday, and it was the most important one in a long time. There is a lot to read and watch, but I am not a reporter, so if you want in-depth E3 coverage, IGN or Gametrailers is probably your best bet. I am just sharing what games gave me a boner yesterday.

Sony was really aggressive yesterday, making their entire conference a Microsoft bash. Funny but childish insults aside, Sony clarified some very important things, that have further solidified my decision to switch to Playstation. If you buy a PS4 game, Sony said it belongs to you, and that you may sell it to a friend, lend it to anyone you want, sell it to retail, or keep it forever. No restrictions whatsoever for used games. No online requirement is necessary to play any game, and the PS4 will not require you to periodically check in online for the system to work. It was also announced at 399$, 100$ less than the Xbox One. Sony has dedicated themselves to the gamer, not to the TV advertisers or the soccer moms, but to us. And for that, they have earned thousands of my future dollars.
This is the official Sony video on how to share your games on the PS4, I almost peed my pants
The Witcher 3
Anyone who reads this blog knows that The Witcher 2 blew me away. While this was debuted during the Microsoft conference, it will be available on the PS4 and PC as well. It looks like the same voice actors, and the same type of semi-non-linear gameplay, with just a higher production value. Sounds perfect to me, can't fucking wait.
I love shooters, I just don't like playing them online, (with a few exceptions), but Titanfall really grabbed my attention. Jetpacks, big mechs, and chaotic gameplay that doesn't look like it is hard to control. I saw the player dodging mech rockets while jetpacking up and running alongside a building three stories up. This game looks crazy, and maybe it is time to get into another online shooter. It will be an Xbox exclusive, but released for both the 360 and the One.
Mirror's Edge 2
I understand why people didn't like the first Mirror's Edge. The story sucked, and a first-person parkour game with hyper sensitive controls is a hard sell. I happened to love it though, even after dying 10,000 times in a row during the final scene of the game, so the announcement by DICE that #2 is on it's way got me really excited. Yeah, #1 wasn't perfect, but it was new, innovative, artistic and most importantly, unique. When a developer takes a gamble on something completely unseen before, we, as gamers, must support them.
Dragon Age 3
Finally, I get to talk about my most anticipated game that was announced at E3. Dragon Age is Bioware's fantasy rpg, that they haven't forgotten about despite Mass Effect's huge success. I almost love DA as much as ME, because the story is just soooooooooooo good. The voice acting is top-notch, and the twists and turns that even the tiniest of fetch quests gives you make the game really stand out. Dragon Age 2 got a lot of criticism from fans, but if there is one company that listens to complaints and fixes them, it's Bioware.
I also liked the demo for The Division. It is a mmorpg/3rd person shooter that takes place in a modern post-apocalyptic world. It kind of reminds me of Fallout 3/The Last of Us.
ReplyDeleteI wished they would have showed more of Dragon Age rather than a 30 second trailer, but glad to know it's not forgotten. I still need to play the Witcher 2 anyway.
And Destiny looks good as well. It is made by Bungie and looks a lot like Halo, except it looks to be open world with quests/loot similar to Borderlands.
Finally, Watch Dogs looks amazing like always and the demo they showed displayed the variety in the game.
Killer Instinct looks fun and I loved the older games, too bad I won't be able to play it since its only going to be on the One. Hopefully they will also move it to the 360.
I was watching a little bit about The Division, and it looks cool, but for me to sell my soul to another MMO, it better blow the pants off of my body.
DeleteI agree, MMORPG's traditionally are made to be a grind to play and huge time sinks. It would probably be better for a console mmo to be similar to Dark Souls or Diablo 3, where it feels like a single player game that has persistent multiplayer components. Watch Dogs looks kinda like this, in that it is a single player game, but other players can get involved to help/hinder your progress.