Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Grand Theft Auto 5: Review

Big video game franchises seem to have so much trouble pleasing their fan bases these days. So many games that I used to have exuberant zeal for have lost me over the years. Zelda, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, they lost my money because of stubbornness. Zelda is always the same, Final Fantasy is a Kingdom Hearts G-rated circus, Resident Evil won't embrace a life after 4, and Silent Hill can't seem to find the next step that needs to be taken. All of these examples are game franchises that found a way to make money, then milked that formula to death. GTA almost fell victim to that. Almost.

GTA had a formula that regular players were starting to become aware of. You start with friends, make money with friends, then get betrayed by those friends. GTA3 had the Columbian gf, Vice City had Lance, San Andreas had Big Smoke, and 4 had everymotherfuckingbody. The difference with 5 is that, if you play your cards right, nobody betrays you, and you don't betray them. The entire game is one big loyalty test. You know immediately that the FIB will kill you as soon as you're done running errands for them, so you need to be ready. You know that the corrupt Whole Foods politician is going frame you, so you work as a team to turn the tables on him. The lovely change in GTA5 is that your core team will never turn on you, and as a team you work together to preemptively screw those who intend to screw you.

I wish there were more heists in the game. There are a total of 6, and it just isn't enough. I wanted a crew I could build long term, leveling and recruiting. The heists are so much fun, that I hope Rockstar acknowledges their accomplishment here and uses it in the future. The ending to GTA5 is so satisfying, finishing everything with your buddies, a much more positive feeling than when Big Smoke screws you over at the end of SA. 


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