Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Barack's December

I haven't been posting a lot of political stuff lately. For that I'm sorry, but I have been paying attention. Barack Obama's approval rating is at an all time low, and being such a fan of his, I've been listening to the country eviscerate him from so many different angles with sadness. Liberals seem to be mad that things aren't progressing enough, and Conservatives throw the world socialism around while choking on their own neck-fat. With America's faith in our government dwindling ever smaller, B-rock has done two things this month that have made me smile. A little.

The Volcker Rule is going into effect. Years ago, Barack passed Wall Street Reform, and the biggest piece of that, The Volcker Rule, finally starts doing the thing it was written to do. The Volcker Rule stops banks from gambling with our money. It was made a law after The Great Depression, and banks spent decades (along with obscene amounts of money) to repeal it. Now, their repeal has been.....repealed. Banks hate this, which means, as universal law, us citizens are benefiting. 

Also, Obama has struck a deal with Iran that will reduce the number of nukes they get to make in exchange for the loosening of trade sanctions. This is a big deal, because it takes the nuclear arsenal away from a very dangerous and unpredictable world power, while at the same time giving that country a chance to change it's splotchy image. It avoids war. There's also an even bigger silver lining here than just making nicey-nice with Iran, North Korea might be interested in something similar. War avoidance through handshakes and diplomacy. Who knew?

So while everyone else finds reasons to hate our leader, I want to be one of the few that says good job, there are at least a couple good things that are happening right now in the midst of all this nonsense. Now, lets just get this immigration reform done and we truly will have a great December.

1 comment:

  1. Wait a are complimenting him on negotiating with Iran so that they can have less nuclear weapons...when they aren't even allowed to have any at all!!!! That makes zero sense
