Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day

Remember the First Contact War? When the United States finally, after centuries of scientific advancements, probed the desolate space outside of our own universe for the first time. We were met with a race of beings much like ourselves, militaristic, unreasonably violent, Turians. However, we are militaristic people too, and we responded to their demands to go home by cracking open a frosty can of "blow me", and blew those fuckers out of the sky. You sit outside this Memorial Day and grill while you discuss grandpa's old shin that he lost when he fell into a gopher hole on Normandy beach, and I will be eating a Chipotle burrito while remembering the days that the USS Normandy spread our message of "fuck you we're American" through the galaxy. With lasers.

Playing Mass Effect is a great way to celebrate Memorial Day. There's a dripping Americana feeling when you solve intergalactic Krogan/Turian peace talks with a shotgun. Freeing human test subjects from a horrific torture facility, (evil because this particular one doesn't belong to USA) makes the American flag in my heart wave a little harder. I know that in the Mass Effect universe the society of humans is now the United Earth whatever, but the way we keep doing things sure does feel American. Muscling our way in to a group that doesn't want us, shooting those that get too loud about it, then with use of bully tactics, secure a seat on the council in 1/100th of the time that other races have been waiting for the same spot. 

We spent Memorial Day at historic Valley Forge National Park, because it is an important place and it is also 3 blocks from my house. You can see here how Oliver is brushing up on his Mass Effect cover system. We all know how those Reapers can come out of nowhere. 

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