Monday, April 14, 2014

The Universe Evens Itself Out

Two weeks before Oliver was born, we had to move to a new apartment in Chicago. It was total chaos and Stephanie went into labor before we were completely unpacked. This time around, everything has been going smoothly, and apparently, the universe doesn't like that. So, I sprained my ankle, 1 month before my daughter is scheduled to be born. 

Being stuck in the same spot for hours on end has allowed me to fall in love with Ex Machina all over again. The first time I read it, I was in high school, politically aware, but generally apathetic. Reading Ex Machina now is a completely different experience. For instance, when Mitch and a staffer argue about lobbying and polls, 26 year old me understands what they are talking about. I catch so many more references and jokes than I did the first time around.

I'm also using this financially devastating injury time to finally start my big Final Fantasy project, and as you can see, I named my first group after my favorite presidents. FF1 is no joke, and I haven't completely beaten an old 8-bit rig in quite a while, so I hope I don't have too much rust. When in doubt grind, right?

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