Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Firefly: Better than Star Trek and Star Wars

 I don't remember exactly what motivated me to watch Firefly originally, but I do remember being absolutely blown away by just how good this show was from the very first episode. Firefly had already been canceled by the time I got around to seeing it, and honestly, the premise sounded kinda stupid to me at first. A western in space? China and America merge cultures? But Joss Whedon is a genius, and he had done Buffy (which I loved), so I gave it a chance, and my world was forever changed for the better.

 What makes Firefly so great is exactly what makes Star Wars and Star Trek so great too, it's the message. Sure, there are cool characters, and an awesome ship, but there is a very sincere comment about society in this series, the idea that just because technology advances doesn't necessarily mean that humanity's problems go away. There is still rape, murder, and unethical class exploitation, especially amongst the pioneer population of this new star system. Firefly is written to be very funny, and these problems always have a way of killing our mood at a moment's notice, making us really deal with the harshness of this way of living. The fact that Whedon chose to not include any aliens in the show only accentuates this feeling, because the really bad guys are people, they are us, and nothing is more evil than human nature.

I know I said that the characters aren't the biggest reason the series is so good, but they are a close second. The Enterprise's crew has a hard time holding a candle to just how well-rounded Firefly's crew is. Captain Mal is so unpredictable, I found myself gasping at least once an episode as he provides shock after shock. Joss was quoted as saying, "Firefly is about 9 people looking into the blackness of space and seeing 9 different things." And that's definately the best description of the show's cast. Everyone has a favorite, (mine will always be Wash), but together they form such a tight and loving family that they are impossible not to like. No character is any less important than any other, and no other show has ever been able to achieve that.

Firefly is cleverly written and seriously funny. Remember how the BSG writers got around cursing? Well, in the Firefly universe, since China and America are the only two surviving superpowers, everyone speaks Chinese and English. So, when a sentence needs a curse word or two in it, the character simply says the bad stuff in Chinese, avoiding the bleep. Its very funny, and it works so well in avoiding the 4th wall shattering censors. The dialogue is so sharp and hilarious, that every single character has comedic moments. That isn't to say that there aren't serious moments. Quite the opposite, (especially in the movie), Firefly drips with sadness and anger, and every such instance feels authentic. The show also boasts probably the best score for a tv show ever composed, along with one hell of a catchy theme song that sums up the entire premise perfectly.

I love Firefly and I am saddened every time I think about how short it's run is. With just 14 episodes and a movie, it makes such an impact then is gone just as quickly. If you haven't already, go watch it, and the next time someone asks you if you're a Trekkie or a Jedi, respond "Im a Browncoat", and feel the sentimentality wash over you. Best sci-fi show ever.


  1. You had me at Nathan Fillion's beautifully naked backside :)

    1. Captain Malcolm Reynolds expects nothing but loyalty and friendship from his crew, and only accepts tautness and perfect form from his ass.

  2. Although I haven't watched the ENTIRE show, and I did enjoy what I did see, I would still describe myself as a Red Shirt way before I ever thought of myself as a Browncoat.

    1. Well, red shirts sacrifice themselves to make The Shat look great. A noble cause.
