Thursday, February 28, 2013

Pokemon Training is Slavery

Pokemaniacs who played Black/White were surprised to see the Pokemon world actually ask an interesting question for a change, should Pokemon really be fighting each other at our command? What's the difference between dog fighting and Poke battles? Well, game designer Mattie Brice had a pretty revolutionary idea recently, exploring the similarities of Pokemon Training, and good old fashioned American slavery.

The Pokemon Unchained project is simple, play through any Pokemon game, catching only the first Pokemon you encounter in each area. Next, you must nickname every catch, and when they faint in battle, they are dead, remove them from your party never to return. The biggest key, is to play the game and replace the word "Trainer" with "Master", and "Pokemon" with "Slave, everytime you run across those words. The results are fucking intense. You'll get conversations like:

“Team Plasma’s ideal… Separating people and slaves… It’s exactly the same as not having slaves in this world at all. That bunch is a waste of oxygen.” ~Cheren

"What right does he have to do that? If slaves weren’t happy with masters, why aren’t they all rising up and catching us?"

“Slaves are wonderful. It’s not how cute they can be, but also how much you can depend on them…” ~Elisa

We are all growing older, and if we continue to be Pokemon fans, then we must grow our perception of the world we love as well. Let's be honest, we catch wild animals by force, (some can fucking talk) and force them to complete in a blood sport against their will for cash and social prestige. Pokemon trainers need to come to terms with the evil that we have all committed, and stop treating Team Plasma like a group of eco-terrorists and start respecting them as the abolitionists that they are.

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