Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Pokedad Review: Omega

So the newest dlc for Mass Effect is entitled Omega, and takes place on Bioware's Mos Eisley inspired planet of outlaws. Aria meets you on the Citadel and informs Shep that Cerberus has taken control of her station, and wants the commander's help in getting it back. Unlike other ME dlc's and against common sense, Shepard isn't allowed to bring any of her own party with her, instead using Aria herself, and a new female turian teammate, Nyreen.

So, I've never really liked the Omega station to be honest, its always screamed cliche as I ran around doing uninteresting fetch quests, however, I have always liked Aria. She seems to rebel strongly against the typical Asari roles, and really does a good job convincing me that she is a ruthless crimelord. So, with my interest peaked, I helped Aria repel the Cerberus occupation.

The problem is that its all action, and no story. Sure you find out that Aria and Nyreen used to bang, and that there is a new gang on Omega, but the outlines of these stories are bare, and 95% of the time, you'll be fighting. That isn't to say that the fights aren't fun, Aria's biotics are the most powerful of any character that you've ever been in a party with, and Nyreen gets a ton of stealth kills. The battles are fast and frantic, especially if you're playing as a vanguard, which lets you bomb into clusters of 10-15 Cerberus troops at once.

At the end of the day, my biggest problem is with the bad guy for this dlc, General Oleg Petrovsky. Apparently, everyone knows about him but Shepard, yet he has never been mentioned before, even when the commander WORKED FOR CERBERUS. I understand that there are other prominent characters in the series that you can say the same about, (like Kai Leng), but with Oleg, its painfully obvious that he was created for this dlc alone.
So, there are a few pros, like Aria's story, a couple new horror enemies, and crazy fights. There are a few bad things though too, like not being able to keep Nyreen on the Normandy after the dlc is over, or the spontaneously created Oleg, and the 2nd hand story. All in all, I had fun, but by no means is this a must buy, even for the crazier Mass Effect fans.

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