Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Oliver is getting old enough to start playing with some real toys, you know, the toys that are so amazing that you end up blogging about them 23 years later? Well, the first serious toy that I want to get for my little jedi is a Batmobile. I had a pretty basic Batmobile growing up, and I always remember wanting some of the more exotic models. Well, here's a 1940's Batmobile that I found on amazon, that Oliver will absolutely flip his shit over.

Now, I had that awesome 81 model of the Millenium Falcon when I was a little boy, and I want Olls to have a falcon too. However, finding an original 81 Millenium Falcon is hard and fuckshit expensive, so I searched for a new one. Hasbro has a new model that is 1000 times better than anything I had growing up. Captain Toy does an amazing review of it here

I've been a little sad about Ninja Turtles toys. The sets and figures that I had when I was little were so fucking cool and amazing, that I just know they don't make them like that anymore. Then...I came across this Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Deluxe Secret Sewer Lair, and now I feel a lot better. 

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