Thursday, September 12, 2013

Diablo 3

I played the Diablo 3 demo because I have been told by the internet that I should be excited about it. I'm sure that if you ask Blizzard, they would give a hearty, change-jingling laugh from behind their desks made of money and say that Diablo 3 is a gift to us poor console wretches. We should revel in it's glory, for it was orginally a PC masterpiece, cut up and downgraded so that we orphan-dirty Xboxers may at least see what good taste is before returning to our advertisement saturated game boxes. I didn't like it.

I have a problem with single character loot-a-thons. I have never enjoyed them. I didn't like Baldur's Gate, or the first Diablo, and I did finish Torchlight, but only because it was short. Deathspank was funny, but it got monotonous quick. I could play Diablo 3, and probably finish the entire game, simply because of the customization depth, but I wouldn't be moved one way or the other after finishing. It's hack and slash, Diablo players make snooty comments about how juvenile 90's sidescrolling beat em ups are, (specific personal example) and then go onto their computers and do the exact same thing. I need a party. I need true adventure. I need the possibility of something different in the next cave than the last one. 

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