Friday, October 11, 2013

Skeptical, not Cynical

I have always been skeptical. I attribute this to my overly religious mother and her terrible parenting. Growing up in a christian family gives you a sort of 6th sense for bullshit, what with christmas (I refuse to capitalize that) being a zombie's birthday, or talking to the sky, or even the widely believed concept of an omnipresent space magician controlling my destiny. I grew up questioning these grand claims, wondering if anybody had bothered to do some beneficial fact checking. In school, I was smart, good grades, chess team, etc, but I had a problem with authority. Probably because I had none at home, I challenged my teachers to explain to me why we worship our founding fathers, or even later, how anyone could call quantum mechanics "math".

Skepticism is beautiful, a trait I look for and value in my friends. It can never do harm, it can never be a negative thing. If something doesn't sound right, look into it yourself, or challenge the presenter for a little proof. Skepticism is what science is founded upon, and what I task my son to practice each and every day. Asking questions and discovering answers to the contrary of what you've been told is a vital tool to figuring out the world around you, and preventing others from taking advantage of your naivety.

I do not like cynicism. 

When it comes to American politics, skepticism is almost mandatory for the average citizen, but being cynical about politicians certainly isn't. Just like blaming both sides when something goes awry, I find taking a cynical approach to be an easy way out. A way of excusing yourself from doing any real objective thinking, or actually finding out about someone running for office. The reason for my skepticism of cynics, is that I don't think I've ever actually met an evil person. Politicians who I disagree with, (most are republican) receive my grumbling, but I don't truly think any of them are bad people. I don't automatically assume that every politician is out for money, or personal fame. I don't automatically assume Congress won't pass something, or that our country is in the toilet, never to resurface. People are generally good, and while some leaders are truly corrupt, approaching the bunch as swindlers takes the entire purpose of government away.

There are lawmakers in this country who genuinely have an idea they are working towards that they truly believe will do good. Now, while I'm skeptical that your complaints about welfare are valid, I won't be some cynical jackass who just assumes every Republican is just as morose. Yes, John Boehner does not have your best interests at heart. Yes, the same can be said about Cruz, or Paul, or anyone else, but you can't use cynicism to automatically count out every aspirant just because you've been burned before. Our country is about hope, a grand dream and using Democracy to improve our collective quality of life. Cynicism violently strips that from us before we even try.

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