Monday, June 2, 2014

A Stupid Name For A Ship

I was reading the amazing Dan Dare this morning, and noticed that the spaceship he was stationed at was called the HMS Achilles. I didn't think much of it at first, I was much more interested in Dan generously giving aliens idealistic asskickings, but as I closed the comic, it popped into my head, why the fuck would anyone name a major ship the Achilles? Achilles, as we all know, is a metaphor for a specific weakness. Confident that this was just a little joke confined to comic books, I spent minimal effort in checking if anyone would ever actually be stupid enough to name their ship after a name that means weakness, and guess what? The ship actually existed, its real, its British, and it sank. Wow.

Can anyone tell me why "spreads" is in quotations? Gross.

Dan Dare also famously flies his badass spaceship, the Anastasia, named after the young Russian princess who was brutally murdered along with her entire family in a political coup, only to be revived a century later in a campy Disney movie. What is it with Brits and horrible ship names?

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