Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Star Wars hot cocoa

So, after watching some Downton Abbey with my lady, I simply couldn't sleep last night. Stumbling around the kitchen, I decided to finally try some of my Star Wars hot cocoa and drink it while forcing myself to finish RE6.
Its as gross as it looks.

I've never encountered a more wretched hive of cheap chocolate and powdery cocoa.


  1. could you FORCE it down?
    Did Vader choke you?
    Was it worse than episodes I,II,& III?

    1. Yes, it was gross. Yes, it made me kneel in front of the toilet in anticipation of chunky puke. However, I would drink 6 cups of this while getting blown by a republican cobra before watching 5 minutes of a prequel again.

  2. what about 7,8,9? And how do you feel about the stand alone movies in the works?

    1. Frustrated. I wish I could have a credible source of information instead of having to rely on rumors. Is Harrison Ford in it? Did satan realize that his deal with George simply wasn't worth it?
