Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Video Games are Rock and Roll

 Remember Columbine? That was the first time that I personally remember video games being scapegoated after a tragic mass shooting. It has happened a lot more since then, and it's being talked about again after Sandy Hook, right on schedule. Video games make bad parents nervous, and their continuing ignorance on the subject makes video games so rock and roll. Let's explore.

Having a discussion about video games causing violence is a waste of time, because all of us know that they don't. The movement to eliminate video games is an attempt by lazy parents to get some control over the child that they fucked up beyond repair years and years before. Good parents know how to teach their children the difference between reality and fucking pixels. Above-average parents also know how to impart the value of moderation to their kids. Too much of anything is bad, video games, pretzels, water, anything.

Video games are to be celebrated for their art, and encouraged because of their positive benefits that they bestow on the children and adults that play them. Yes, that's right, there are serious BENEFITS to playing video games. Here's ten.

Improved Dexterity- A study of hospital surgeons shows that those who played video games regularly were 27% faster and 37% less prone to errors than those who didn't.

Education- The Federation of American Scientists revealed that students remember up to 90% of information using simulations compared to 10% via reading.

Physiotherapy- Exercise-based games help Parkinson's disease sufferers. In a study about this, after 12 weeks of playing, over 55% percent of patients had improved balance, gait speeds and longer strides.

Stress Relief- Gaming lowers levels of stress-inducing hormone cortisol by up to 17%. Puzzle game Bejeweled has shown to reduce physical stress activity by 54%.

Multi-tasking- Gamers can focus on 6 immediate tasks at once, as compared to a non-gamer's 4. They also perform up to 20% more effectively in perception and cognitive tests.

Improved Eyesight- Playing action games for a few hours each day can lead to a 20% increase in accuracy on eye chart tests.

Relationships- 76% of couples who game together say that it had a positive impact on their marriages.

Pain Relief- Patients' pain ratings for burn wounds decreased by 50% while gaming. One study in particular showed that violent video games can increase a burn victim's pain tolerance by 65%.

Increased IQ- Players have been shown to be 50% better at managing events and spotting detail. Infants who play games also develop a thicker cortex.

Faster Responses- The ability to shoot a zombie quickly translates into the real world. Reaction times of serious video gamers are shown to be AS HIGH as American fighter jet pilots.

Now, there is another benefit to being a serious gamer. However, that benefit is subjective. The benefit is art. I don't get frustrated when I hear that video games are evil, and I don't get frustrated when legislation banning video games is written. I get frustrated when the games I love are stereotyped as childish. We have come a long, long way since Mortal Kombat. We are in an age where a game costs just as much as a blockbuster movie does to make, in some cases even more. Video games make ten times the money that even the best selling movie does, and they employ expert storytellers and universe crafters. There are video games out there with stories that rival Shakespear's if you take the chance to look. To me, this is the greatest thing about being a video gamer, to evolve alongside the gaming industry, enjoying the high level of ART that they frequently produce. Play Final Fantasy 7, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Shadow of the Colossus, or Uncharted and try to claim that it isn't art at it's purest.

Video games aren't going anywhere, no matter how hard hypocritical christian parents try, the industry simply makes too much money. So, knowing that our precious games are safe, it is easy to sit back, relax and laugh when this nonsense comes up in conversations. You want real control over the violence that a murderous few commit? Let's ban the the assault guns and get rid of the AK-47's sitting in our irresponsible closets, sit down with our kids and try for fuck's sake to be better parents. After you talk to your child about the emotionally devastating tragedies that occur in real life, sit down and play a video game with them. Their well-being will thank you later on. 

(If you're interested, another great study on the positive effects of gaming here )


  1. so I had been composing a very eloquent comment giving my opinion of your post, point and counter point to what I agree with and disagree with and then in my ineptness with computers, lost it. It was thought provoking and well stated. It is gone. I don't know where.
    With that being said, let me just say, that with video games just as with any other medium, the problem isn't the medium it's lack of parenting. Know what your kids are playing, talk to them about it. Make sure the games they are playing are suitable for your child's maturity level, just as you should do with books or movies or (DON'T SAY IT) the internet. Take the time to be sure YOU as the parent are teaching YOUR child YOUR values. BE an active participant in raising your child. My son plays tons of video games on 8+ systems and plenty are violent. He's a sweet peaceful kid with a strong sense of honor and what is right and wrong. Video games don't make children violent, lazy parents do(and maybe chem-trails but that is a whole other thing). Teach your kids and hold them responsible for their behavior. Tell them no from time to time. Reuben will not play Grand Theft Auto until he is an adult and decides it is the type of game he wants to play. Why, because I as a parent don't approve of the content for MY minor child, just as I would not take him to see I Spit on Your Grave, buy him a Hustler, or condone him going to YouPorn. I don't think it is appropriate for MY son. I'm the parent and I must act like it.
    As far as your commie pinko liberal ideas on guns... Hold gun owners accountable don't let just criminals have guns.
    As far as video games being art? They are the most modern form of modern art. A new medium for story telling. Some is great some is trash, just like any other art form.
    Good post!

    1. Absolutely agree, and that goes to show, you don't hate video games because John, you're an excellent father. I love your response and concur with everything you said, (except for your red backwater sister-fucking views on guns) Love ya buddy.
