Sunday, July 7, 2013

Happy Wars

Happy Wars is a free to play online war game that fills a hole in the XBLA library. I've been obsessed with it lately, and now special events are rolling out left and right. It's free to play, so if you haven't, read this, then go download it.

Happy Wars pits two teams of twelve to sixteen players against each other, building towers to advance your spawn points, killing mages your rivals leave unprotected, and assaulting the opposing castle. Its hectic, and a lot of fun, especially since the character models are adorable, and the insults you can shout at each other are G rated. 

You get three classes to choose from, warrior, cleric or mage. You can switch to any of the three whenever you die, and it corrects the problem of nobody on your team picking a healer. You get items after each match, and the quality of the item is based on your performance in battle. This simple idea works wonders, causing every single member of your team to try their best, because there might be a glowing suit of armor in it for them.

When you begin an assault on the opponent's castle, thats when the game really shines. You smash up against the front gate, trying to break it down while the other team scrambles inside, shooting arrows and summoning tornadoes. You can build a battering ram, or tiny ladders on the sides, or just hack at the gate until it collapses. These events are tense, and breaking into a castle and breaking the tower inside to win is a crazy awesome feeling. Go download this.

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