Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Pacific Rim

Pacific Rim is certainly a change of pace, half Godzilla, half Gundam, this mech vs big fish movie was a lot of fun, even if the story itself seems to have been written by a hamster.

These big fish called Kaiju are attacking big cities that harbor the Pacific, like San Francisco, Sydney, and Anchorage, and the world must come together to figure out a plan to stop these things. So what is the plan they decide on? Tactical nuclear strikes? Perhaps a controlled seismic event that covers the creature's underwater dimensional portal with rocks? None of those good ideas, instead, every country builds a mech and fistfights these things. Awesome.

Every second outside of the fights is bad. There is a tempermental hotshot rival who eventually respects the protagonist, but not until after they have a macho punch-out. The female lead must prove her worth as a pilot in a male dominated workplace, and the leader exudes a cold, calm exterior that shelters a traumatic military past. The leader, (Marshall), also gives the worst pep talk speech I have ever heard. "Today, we cancel the apocalypse!" It's laughably bad.

Charlie Day here, was easily the best part of the movie, even though the entire scientist sub-plot could have been omitted. This movie is about the fights, and when they do happen, they are fucking great. Using a freight ship as a sword, rock bottoms through skyscrapers, the giant brawls are really cool, and make this movie worth seeing. It's a fun theater movie, and if shitty Evengelion episodes impress you, then this movie will make you very happy. 

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