Tuesday, January 28, 2014

3 more awesome things about Sleeping Dogs

As you know, I've been playing a lot of Sleeping Dogs lately. I was not expecting to enjoy this GTA-clone so much, but the game has a lot of unique features and good ideas. Take this bloody wedding suit for instance, not only does it look really cool, but you receive this outfit after a very major plot twist. Wearing this disgusting blood suit as you drive through Hong Kong keeps your mind focused on all the revenge that you need to get around to exacting. 

Yes, that is Wei holding a fish by the tail as a weapon. Yes, Saints Row has been doing goofy stuff like this in sandbox games for years, but unlike the Row, Sleeping Dogs's fight sequences are all Kung-fu. What's the difference? Well, backflip kicking an enemy Triad then finishing him off with a brutal fish-smack is just better in Sleeping Dogs because of the pretty martial arts.

Finally, there's this guy. According to the Sleeping Dogs's wiki page, his name is Keith Liu, and he runs the parking garage outside of your character's apartment building. You talk to him every time you take one of your cars out, and he always has something melancholy to say. Running around Hong Kong busting drug dealers and collecting protection money is only made cooler when the blue collar sucker at the car park says, "I wish I could live your life, for just one day" as you peel away in your Chinese Porsche.

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