Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Google Maps Pokemon Challenge

I'm sure that all of you are already aware of the Google Maps Pokemon challenge, an April Fools Day marketing idea that endeavors people to find 150 Pokemon hidden at various landmarks around the world. Pokemon has had some cool promotions in the past, (remember the Pokebus that came to elementary schools?) and this one is definitely one of the coolest. You pick a famous landmark, like the Great Wall of China on your Google Maps app and there will be a little picture of a Pokemon there. Click it and Google Maps stores the ones you've found, keeping track of them.

I caught an Eevee at Yankee Stadium.

A Torchic at Mt. Vesuvius.

Area 51 has a Kirlia.

On April 2nd, those who have managed to catch all 150 will get to interview for the Pokemon Master job at Google. That part of the contest is almost certainly fake, but I have managed to find 58 so far, and I think that's pretty impressive in a 12 hour window. 

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