Monday, April 28, 2014

The Scary Part Of Pregnancy

I couldn't think of an appropriate picture for this post, so....Pikachu

My daughter is almost here, and while the end of the 9 month odyssey is a time of excitement, it is also the beginning of the scary part of pregnancy. Sitting in the hospital on Friday, waiting to hear just how serious Stephanie's sudden high blood pressure might be is not something I can recommend to new parents. I learned this during our first pregnancy, that stomach-churning fear is unavoidable, no matter how well prepared you are. When my son was born, I cut the cord, then held my breath for minutes as he was rushed over to a little medical table to be checked for any signs of anything unusual. He's healthy and everything was fine, but I remember that scared feeling I had, the scared feeling I have now, as I try to close my eyes and hold on for just a week or two more. 

This time is going to be significantly different. When Oliver was born, it was just me and Steph in the hospital, ducking and weaving through all of the unexpected labor and delivery curveballs together. Oliver is 3 now, and will be there with us. I wonder if he'll notice just how scared his dad is underneath all of the support I try to show. In just a couple short weeks, maybe sooner, we'll find out.

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